LP Gas Safety Tips & Gas Leak Detection

LP gas is quickly becoming the preferred fuel source for property owners across Australia. When you opt to use LPG, you should first be aware of the potential safety risks involved. If you are properly educated about LP gas safety, you won’t have anything to worry about!
Here at Hotgas, our team delivers LPG cylinders to properties across the Sunshine Coast & Hinterland and we have become LPG experts. To help you better understand LP gas safety and what you should be aware of when it comes to gas leak detection, we have put together a helpful guide for you below.
What is LP gas?
Liquid Petroleum Gas, more commonly referred to as LPG or LP gas, is a combination of both propane and butane gases. Here at Hotgas we only source AAA rated propane for your gas. LPG is stored as a liquid inside cylinders, it then returns to a gas as it is released. As an odourless and colourless form of gas, a powerful odorant is added to LPG to ensure prompt gas leak detection.
Gas leak detection & what you should do
If you can smell gas and think there may be an LPG leak, for absolute safety, turn off the valve on both cylinders and call the skilled team at Hotgas (during office hours) and they will talk through with you any concerns you have. Alternatively, you may contact a licensed gasfitter to arrange for a leak check on your gas system.
It is crucial that you are very careful during the time of a potential gas leak. Don’t smoke, light a match or do anything that involves an open flame and avoid any other potential sources of ignition, such as mobile phones. You should also open all the doors and windows of your property to help with ventilation.
LP gas safety tips
LPG is both an affordable and efficient energy source for Sunshine Coast residents. If you decided to make the switch to LP gas for your home or business, it’s important to always keep safety in mind. A few of our top LP gas safety tips include:
- Always leave your LPG cylinder installations to a professional gasfitter & never attempt to do this yourself.
- Ensure that gas appliances & fittings are regularly serviced. This means that signs of corrosion or minor gas leaks can be detected early.
- Never tamper with the safety valve or any other cylinder fittings. If you notice an issue, always contact a licensed gasfitter.
- Do not rock or shake a cylinder while it is connected to an installation – this puts stress on the pipework and can cause leaks.
- Be aware of any escaping gas vapour from an open valve, this can result in freeze burns if coming into close contact your clothing or skin.
Ask Hotgas for help today
When treated correctly, LPG is a safe and efficient form or energy for your home or business. By having a better understanding of LP gas safety you are well prepared for any unlikely occurrences. For more advice on LPG or to arrange a gas cylinder delivery in the Sunshine Coast region, be sure to get in touch with the helpful and friendly expert team at Hotgas today on 5446 8777.